Our events are all about living in the present, but Loveland cares about the future too. Organising sustainable events has been a priority since 2004. In 2018, for the first time, we became ‘Future Proof Festival’ certified and in 2019 we have joined the Plastic Promise movement. By taking the initiative with other Amsterdam based festival organisations we currently lead the way to leverage PET recycling within the events industry.
Our 2023 goals are the following:
• A maximum of 0.22 kg of residual waste per visitor
• Separate at least 60% of front and backstage waste
• Obtain the FutureProofFestival certificate for all of our outdoor Amsterdam events

Smart energy management
Loveland applies the latest smart and efficient technologies to reduce energy consumption and outflow.
• During construction/tear down, the production village runs on battery instead of aggregates
• Aggregates are filled with HVO, which is less harmful to the environment
• 909 Festival runs for 100% on the electrical grid. Loveland aims to get most of all of the event’s electricity coming from the electrical grid.

Loveland encourages visitors to choose from the vegetarian food options. The vegetarian diet helps to reduce water pollution and the harmful effect of livestock production.
• Focusing less and less on meat and more on vegetarian/vegan food options
• All of our eating utensils are 100% compostable or recyclable

PET plastic deposit system
All drinking cups and bottles are returned to the bar and are recycled. In 2019, Loveland recycled more than 500,000 cups and bottles!
• We encourage visitors to return their cup or bottle to the bar
• Our aim is to recycle 100% of the issued cups and bottles

Sustainability quality mark
Loveland Events has achieved the sustainability quality mark of FutureProofFestival, for all of its outdoor Amsterdam festivals in 2019.

Plastic Promise
Loveland is affiliated with Plastic Promise and works with the entire event industry on reducing plastic use and high-quality recycling.

Raw materials
In 2019, 12,000 kg less waste was produced by introducing the raw materials plan. These materials have been reused, separated and processed separately.

Waste separation
Loveland separates more than 8 different waste streams to reduce residual waste as much as possible.
• We process all plastic bottle caps and donate the revenue to the KiKa Foundation
• Cigarette butts are collected in cigarette butt bins around the terrain and do not end up on the ground

Waste per visitor
The number of kg of waste per visitor was reduced by 70% in 2019.
• The aim is to reduce the residual waste per visitor every year through an in-depth raw materials plan
• In 2022 we already produced 32% less residual waste per visitor compared to 2019

Mobility visitors
In 2022 more than 92% of all visitors came by bicycle or alternative transport to our festival terrains!
• Shuttle buses and aggregates are refuelled with HVO, which is less harmful to the environment
• We encourage all of our visitors to travel by bike and we always provide more than enough room to park their bike

Mobility crew
At Loveland we are always looking for sustainable ways for our crew to get around the festival terrain.
• Machinery, artist drivers, golf carts are at least hybrid or electric
• Our crew often takes the bike on to the terrain
Pet recycling
In 2018 Loveland took the initiative with other Amsterdam based festival organisations to lead the way to leverage PET recycling within the events industry. By introducing a trade-in system for all plastic cups on the terrain. Check out how this works below
Celebrate Safe
We want to help you enjoy and get the most out of visiting our events. Check out for more information!
1. Think for yourself, care about others
Be kind to yourself and the people around you. If everyone pays a little attention to each other, everyone has a good time.
2. Using alcohol or other drugs is never without risks
Still want to use something? Look for information beforehand and don’t believe everything you hear or read. Have your drugs tested before use.
3. I love my ears
We believe it’s crucial that you can enjoy music more and for a longer period of time. Check for more information
4. Take a break to cool and chill
Even if you still seem to have endless energy, it’s smart to take a break once in a while.
5. Know your limits and respect those of others
No is no. Respect each other’s boundaries. Do you suspect someone is being harassed? Check to see if the person is okay or notify security.
6. Enjoy safe sex without regrets
It’s not always so clear where that line is. So, check to see if the other person likes it as much as you do, with the simple question, are you okay?
7. Security & crew will keep you safe
The crew of the party or club is there for your safety and the safety of others. Even if security is sometimes strict and even if someone on the crew seems very busy, they are there to help you if needed.
8. The First Aid Team is your friend
Are you not feeling well, or doubting that you are doing well? Or is one of your friends not doing so well? Go to the first aid team. They will help you.
9. Get home safe: grab a ride
Energy drinks, coffee and other stimulants will not help you get sober and fit again. So … get yourself home, whether by cab, car, bus, tram or train.
10. Love your body: take time to recover
As much fun as partying is, at some point your battery just runs out and your body needs rest. Sleep is very nice and necessary to recover. Take time to recover.
Are you okay? For more information check out!
Sexual harassment is not okay and will not be accepted at any Loveland or 909 event!
A visitor that harasses someone else will immediately be removed from the event
Always report sexual harassment to a staff member or security!
If you have seen or experienced something that makes you feel unsafe, you can always come to our Safe Space, which you can find at any Loveland or 909 Festival!
If you have experienced sexual assault or rape, please contact the sexual assault centre for specialised help on 0800-0188 | available 24/7
At Loveland, we stand for a responsible and enjoyable festival culture. To create this safe and inclusive environment, we believe in:
• A place to be yourself
• A dance floor for everyone
• A sustainable tomorrow
Help us to create an environment free from any kind of discrimination or phobia, that is sexually conscious for a safer future of dance culture.